Manage Failed Messages

Command: MM

Messages (Email or SMS) that fail are listed in Managed Failed Messages.

In the MM command, select one customer and select Edit

Once the correction is made, the message can be reset with Retry Message

If the message is old and is an Order Ready, or otherwise does not make sense to send again, select & Delete

Get a clue as to why the message failed by expanding the customer with the +

The messages fail because there is something wrong with the Email or SMS number.

Common issues are misspellings, missing @, and extra space.

Common SMS issues are no area code.

Do not enter anything other than an Email address or SMS #.

Do not enter ‘doesn’t want to give’

Select or de-select the Transactional section:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • App

NOTE: App is not in use at this time

Work Item 2039

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